Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Christmas Commercials

Christmas Commercials and Advertisements

The mailbox is now starting to turn out magazines adorned with turkeys and gift ideas. Today the Christmas edition of Savannah Candy Kitchen's magazine lit up the space, yesterday, an advertisement for potential toy deals at various stores, and the day before, Wine Country Gift Baskets and Hickory Farm's. Oh yes, it is the Holiday Season.

Starting on Halloween, the Hallmark channel begin its countdown to Christmas and is featuring new movies every weekend, and the channel jumped to number one watched over the Halloween weekend. Not only did the ratings jump up but so did the amount of Christmas commercials. Slowly but surely they are popping up for K-Mart, Sear's, UPS and Fed-EX, Target, Wal-Mart, and more. It is hard not to get wrapped up in the excitement and shopping already, but it is also fun to see what is available and to begin looking in order to find some good deals.

In-Store Christmas Shopping Tips:

  • Read the Weekly Ads-there are great prices on everything from clothes to toys to food in many stores on a weekly basis.
  • Coupons-yep, if there is one for a toy or even food items for the holidays, these can be so helpful and if shopping when there are already deals in the store, coupons will make those deals bigger.
  • Flip Through the Store Magazines-For example, Toys-R-Us has their Big Book of Toys out, going through it and marking items the kids want and pricing them is worth the time. By going through and marking items, one can budget and better decide what to get and where to get it.
  • Window Shop and Price-Window shopping is a wonderful way to find deals and price Christmas presents and it can be done with the kids. Use a phone or paper and pencil to make a list of items, prices, and store names. After getting home determine what gifts to buy, what can be afforded, and what gifts might be the best option for family and friends.
  • Black Friday Deals-Keep up with the Black Friday hoopla. Electronics and toys and even tools are worth, at least, considering on the biggest shopping day of the year. If any of these items are on a Christmas list, go ahead and research prices and bargains.
Online Shopping

One of the best parts of shopping online is, no traffic, no lines, and some really good finds. Another goodie of shopping online for the holidays, Black Friday can be done right in the living room while watching Christmas movies.

  • Black Friday Deals-If it is deals one is searching for, online sites will have them for home décor, clothes, accessories, and toys mainly. Check out numerous sites, get emails from favorite stores about their online Black Friday sales, but get online quick to shop because items tend to go quickly.
  • Cyber Monday-After trekking the mall all weekend and coming up short, the internet is the next option and cyber Monday has good deals as well.
  • Online Window Shopping-Just like listing prices, items, and stores in store but online.
  • Online Coupons/Coupon Codes-Lots of online sites offer coupons constantly, along with exclusive deals, and retailmenot.com offers codes as well. Everything from free shipping to 20% and up off.
No matter how one shops for Christmas gifts, take some time to prepare but most of all, enjoy it. Merry Christmas!!!

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