Monday, September 29, 2014

Christmas Countdown

Christmas is popping up in stores everywhere and "it is so tinsel!!!" Micheal's has wreaths and bows ready to be crafted into something spectacular, glass and wooden ornaments ready to be painted, and Target has lanterns, Christmas animals (dressed in Holiday gear), simple wooden messages such as "NOEL" or "JOY", and lights! Lots and lots of lights. Sears, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Belk's, and lots of other retailers are getting in on the early Christmas action. All are pushing Halloween off the racks as fast as possible and pushing for Christmas layaway's in order to get this season started.

Christmas Layaway

To layaway or not to layaway, that is the question.

Well, layaway can be good, but it if one goes overboard, then not so good.
  • One tip on layaway, like Santa, make a list and stick to it.
  •  Try not to do layaway's at multiple stores due to the fact that it gets confusing and often more expensive, stick to no more than 2 stores.
  • Pick a specific topic for layaway (ex. Kids toys, kids Christmas gifts), decide which area of the shopping will be the most and whether or not it would be beneficial on the purse to shop now, pay in full later, or just shop as the season goes.
  • Keep the list to a minimum of 10-15 items. So many folks end up laying away thousands of dollars of toys because of lack of preparation and due to the fact that starting early and sometimes forgetting how much is on layaway is easy to do. In the end, it would have made more sense to just buy the items instead of laying away so much. Keep it simple, decide what need to go on layaway and what can just be bought.
  • Don't Forget the layaway's and the deadline to pay. Keep  it marked on the calendar, as a reminder in the phone, whatever needs to be done to remember, there is nothing more frustrating at this time than totally forgetting, going in to the store and realizing it is not on layaway anymore.
The only reason to not layaway, is if it can be afforded to shop throughout the season or if the item is priced really well, can be afforded, and hid till Christmas morn. Either way, here are some tips, hope they help. Merry Christmas!!

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