Monday, September 29, 2014

Christmas Countdown

Christmas is popping up in stores everywhere and "it is so tinsel!!!" Micheal's has wreaths and bows ready to be crafted into something spectacular, glass and wooden ornaments ready to be painted, and Target has lanterns, Christmas animals (dressed in Holiday gear), simple wooden messages such as "NOEL" or "JOY", and lights! Lots and lots of lights. Sears, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Belk's, and lots of other retailers are getting in on the early Christmas action. All are pushing Halloween off the racks as fast as possible and pushing for Christmas layaway's in order to get this season started.

Christmas Layaway

To layaway or not to layaway, that is the question.

Well, layaway can be good, but it if one goes overboard, then not so good.
  • One tip on layaway, like Santa, make a list and stick to it.
  •  Try not to do layaway's at multiple stores due to the fact that it gets confusing and often more expensive, stick to no more than 2 stores.
  • Pick a specific topic for layaway (ex. Kids toys, kids Christmas gifts), decide which area of the shopping will be the most and whether or not it would be beneficial on the purse to shop now, pay in full later, or just shop as the season goes.
  • Keep the list to a minimum of 10-15 items. So many folks end up laying away thousands of dollars of toys because of lack of preparation and due to the fact that starting early and sometimes forgetting how much is on layaway is easy to do. In the end, it would have made more sense to just buy the items instead of laying away so much. Keep it simple, decide what need to go on layaway and what can just be bought.
  • Don't Forget the layaway's and the deadline to pay. Keep  it marked on the calendar, as a reminder in the phone, whatever needs to be done to remember, there is nothing more frustrating at this time than totally forgetting, going in to the store and realizing it is not on layaway anymore.
The only reason to not layaway, is if it can be afforded to shop throughout the season or if the item is priced really well, can be afforded, and hid till Christmas morn. Either way, here are some tips, hope they help. Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Best Books for Christmas

Christmas Books: A Christmas Story, The Worst Christmas Pageant Ever, Mrs. Miracle and More!!!
Cannot express my excitement over the first Christmas book that arrived in the mail box yesterday, Call Me Mrs. Miracle. It's true, this writer has not read the book, but has seen the movie and love it. So, to start this Holiday Season off, this is the first in many Christmas stories to be read. Throughout the years, there have been some awesome Christmas books written, and for anyone who wants something to get them in the Christmas Spirit, try these Holiday Favorites:
  • A Christmas Story-"RALPHIE!!!" The story of a boy and the journey to get his Red Rider BB Gun. A classic movie and book. The book is different in some ways but the favorite stories are there and it is just as funny and joyful.
  • Skipping Christmas-This book inspired the movie Christmas with the Kranks and is an easy read. Very Christmas and pretty similar to the movie.
  • Humor for the Holidays-everyone has holiday mishaps, and this book has tales of hilarity from Thanksgiving to New Year's. From mom's realizing a baking party is not as fun as TV makes it out to be to Dad's going insane trying to find a specific toy or fix one that is broken, this book has it all. Light hearted, gets anyone in the mood and even brightens the mood because everyone can really relate to some of the stories. Highly recommended for the Holiday season.
  • A Christmas Carol-can't mess with a classic, go for it and enjoy.
  • The Worst Christmas Pageant Ever!- Story of a mom who takes over the church pageant and comes to terms with the fact that there is more drama both in and out of the pageant, especially when a set of misfit kids join in the event. This is perfect for kids to read, 2nd grade and up. Very cute, funny, and heart warming.
  • The Christmas Jar and the Christmas Sweater-both are a tear jerker, so be prepared, but the stories are absolutely phenomenal and really bring the meaning of Christmas to the front burning.
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas-yep... like Scrooge, don't mess with a classic and do not be ashamed to read this book, it is filled with Holiday cheer!!!!
There is so much more and soon to come, recommendation for kids (a ton!) Add any favorites to the comments and have a Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Easy Christmas Gift Baskets

Christmas Gift Baskets
Ties the season to start Christmas shopping! Went into Micheal's, where all Fall stuff is up to 60% off and all baskets 50%, or more, off. On top of it all, wreaths, ornaments, and Christmas décor have started filling the shelves fast and of course, it took all this girls strength not to grab a cart load of items. However, while walking around, the thought of Christmas gifts flooded my mind and with baskets on sale, lots of $1 items up front (from cards, air fresheners, and list paper to stickers, pencils, calendars and planners), the thought of going ahead and making some baskets seemed logical.
Right now, for most places, is the time to buy baskets or items to place in them-unless one wants until the week after Christmas and has Christmas on New Year's, which is doable. There is usually sales at Micheal's but when a 19.99 basket is marked down to 4.99, it's gotta get bought. Right now, depending on what one wants to put in the baskets and the size of the basket, one could create a Christmas gift for well under $20-using small to medium sized baskets. Here are some ideas for a Christmas Gift Basket.
Christmas Gift Basket Ideas
  • Office Supplies-small stapler with stables, pens, planner, note pads, sticky notes, a bag or box of chocolates, and perhaps, a gift card from Office Supply as a bonus.
  • Home Basket-2 magnetic notepads, hanging air fresheners or some potpourri, pens and pencils, notepads or planners, small calendar, kitchen towels and hand towels for the bathroom, a seasonal throw, tablecloth or placemats, candles, a gift card to Kohl's, Target, or another favorite store with good home supplies.
  • Candy Basket-Nuts and candy-a favorite is Virginia Peanuts from Colonial Williamsburg, Lindt Chocolate, Russell Stover offers seasonal chocolates, Hickory Farm's peppermint melts (totally yum!), or keep it simple and just place bags of M&M's, Reese, or other favorites found just about anywhere into a basket.
  • Garden Basket-Seeds, garden gloves, garden shovel, lotion or hand therapy soaps, clay pots (small), a gardening books.
  • Family Fun Basket-summer is ending and sales are running wild on summer fun toys. This would possibly be a larger basket, because kids would be included, add some water guns or a water balloon blower to it along with bubbles, a family movie (lots of good ones for $5 at Wal-Mart and Target), books for the kids and adults or just adults, beach towels, coloring books and crayons, a grill set for the grillers, some coffee cups and coffee, and even a gift certificate to a family event or place were the family enjoys going.
All of these are suggestions of what to put in the baskets, but this is a wonderful time to buy and baskets make terrific gifts and can be cost efficient. When choosing a basket, make a list of what is wanted to go inside before hand, size up the basket and go from there. Try to stick to a list like the big Jolly guy. Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Legos Christmas

 Christmas Toys: LEGOS

Most kids love LEGOS and with the help of the movie named "Lego Movie," the famous building blocks have become even more famous and added more fun designs to their collection. Even so, many kids see specific LEGOS and asked for them, but when the holidays come around they are no where to be found! Not only that, but when found online, they are at retail price or over by 25%-50%. It's insane, and it is because the sellers know people will buy at Christmas, so the prices go up. So, as a mom of three boys who absolutely love to build, it is crucial to start buying now and looking for deals.


There are Ninja Turtle, City, Super Hero's, and Lego Movie LEGOS marked down to $15 (for some of the larger items), and new LEGOS have arrived. Even so, the best part about this store is the fact that they do offer sales on toys throughout the Christmas season, sometimes up to 30% off on LEGOS, but this can still add up and if there is a deal for some of the large or medium sets, usually $30 and up, grab it.


Target is having sales as well, emptying the racks to fill them with newer more expensive toys. When a sale happens at Target on LEGOS, really consider whether to buy or not. Sometimes, the LEGOS are still cheaper online or at Wal-Mart, but sometimes they are better bought at Target. In many cases, Target and Toys-R-Us have the better selection, and on the plus side, both stores eventually have them on sale for 60% off and have half off sales throughout the holiday season.

Okay, EBay is great and there are some deals, but it gets frustrating when it comes to toys especially specific ones and people bet more than what they would pay at the store sometimes. If it is the holidays, the lowest prices go really fast and the rest get higher the closer to Christmas it gets. Also, beware scams. When searching for specific sets, some sets in the photos are not real, look carefully, but for the most part they are. Some deals can be found, but lately prices and bidding have really gone beyond the purchasing price at some retail chains.


Yes!!! Amazon has some promising prices, which will hopefully stick around. Some of the Harry Potter characters are as low as $1.99-some of the main characters are $7.99 and under (which for this series is wonderful). There are deals on all sorts of toys on here and some are series that are very popular and as low as $5.99. So far, this and Wal-Mart are the places to shop, but with the holidays coming, sales will pop, so keep an eye out.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Christmas Memory Ornaments

Grove Park Inn
Christmas Tree Memorial Ornaments

Christmas is a sentimental time for so many. The glow of the lights, sounds of bells and carols, displays of reds and greens, smell of fresh baked goodies, and sights of families coming together bring back special memories. Personally, it has become evident that the years are flying by and each year the importance of holidays and being with loved ones and cherishing the moment becomes even more dear, one way in which this family cherishes and continues to share memories of years past and present is by decorating the tree with memorial ornaments.

Memorial Ornaments

For us, such ornaments are not always fancy and many include pictures. Most of them are school and church ornaments that are saved with such care one would think they were glass. Sometimes, the tree is decked out in Christmas cards from years past, including letters and at other times it becomes the cartoon tree with Simpson, Garfield, Peanuts, and SpongeBob characters, mixed with a variety of family photos from vacations, gatherings, holidays, and special moments. No matter what memory brings joy to you this season, here are a few suggestions for a memorial tree.

Memorial Ornaments:

  • Christmas Cards: Use a single hole punch, punch a hole in the top corner of the fold of the card, place a ribbon throw the hole and tie onto the tree.
  • Family Photos: Use photo sites or create photo ornaments at home annually. Make one for each season with multiple photos and decorate the tree with past and present pictures, be sure to add a recent ornament each year and be utterly amazed at how much everyone has grown and where they have been.
  • Children's Tree: This is great for families with multiple children or older ones, decorate the tree with nothing but handmade ornaments by parents and kids. Each year, have the kids make a new ornament to place on the tree, perhaps a painted ball or even a handwritten note card with a ribbon through it. This goes great with family photos or cards as well. Don't forget to add candy-canes, they make the display even more fun.
  • Cartoon Tree: It sounds silly, but most folks have favorite cartoons or shows from younger years, plus kids love putting something they like to watch or read on the tree. So, pullout those silly ornaments, buy some new ones for the kids and get multi-colored candy canes to add to the colorful and fun display of favorite cartoons.
  • Christmas Movie Tree: Most folks have a favorite song, story, or movie of the holiday season. Use it as a way to create a theme and even a memory tree. Since this family loves almost all Christmas movies (good family ones), A Christmas Story, Home Alone, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Polar Express, and many others often show up on the branches. These movies bring back those nights of lying on the sofa, snuggled with the kids when they were so young, dancing to the songs, and eating holiday treats while enjoying a good story.
  • Armed Services: As a military spouse for 8 1/2 years, a patriotic tree (and one that goes up at Halloween) is a no brainer. Use photos from deployments, home comings, vacations, different stations, and small American flags to decorate the tree. Instead of garland or tinsel, use a red, white, and blue ribbon. Just a great way to remember the journey the family has been on while serving the country and how thankful and bless every moment is when able to be together.
Enjoy making memories, remembering those happy ones, and decorating with all of them. Merry Christmas!!!