Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Legos Christmas

 Christmas Toys: LEGOS

Most kids love LEGOS and with the help of the movie named "Lego Movie," the famous building blocks have become even more famous and added more fun designs to their collection. Even so, many kids see specific LEGOS and asked for them, but when the holidays come around they are no where to be found! Not only that, but when found online, they are at retail price or over by 25%-50%. It's insane, and it is because the sellers know people will buy at Christmas, so the prices go up. So, as a mom of three boys who absolutely love to build, it is crucial to start buying now and looking for deals.


There are Ninja Turtle, City, Super Hero's, and Lego Movie LEGOS marked down to $15 (for some of the larger items), and new LEGOS have arrived. Even so, the best part about this store is the fact that they do offer sales on toys throughout the Christmas season, sometimes up to 30% off on LEGOS, but this can still add up and if there is a deal for some of the large or medium sets, usually $30 and up, grab it.


Target is having sales as well, emptying the racks to fill them with newer more expensive toys. When a sale happens at Target on LEGOS, really consider whether to buy or not. Sometimes, the LEGOS are still cheaper online or at Wal-Mart, but sometimes they are better bought at Target. In many cases, Target and Toys-R-Us have the better selection, and on the plus side, both stores eventually have them on sale for 60% off and have half off sales throughout the holiday season.

Okay, EBay is great and there are some deals, but it gets frustrating when it comes to toys especially specific ones and people bet more than what they would pay at the store sometimes. If it is the holidays, the lowest prices go really fast and the rest get higher the closer to Christmas it gets. Also, beware scams. When searching for specific sets, some sets in the photos are not real, look carefully, but for the most part they are. Some deals can be found, but lately prices and bidding have really gone beyond the purchasing price at some retail chains.


Yes!!! Amazon has some promising prices, which will hopefully stick around. Some of the Harry Potter characters are as low as $1.99-some of the main characters are $7.99 and under (which for this series is wonderful). There are deals on all sorts of toys on here and some are series that are very popular and as low as $5.99. So far, this and Wal-Mart are the places to shop, but with the holidays coming, sales will pop, so keep an eye out.

Merry Christmas!

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