Monday, September 1, 2014

Christmas Memory Ornaments

Grove Park Inn
Christmas Tree Memorial Ornaments

Christmas is a sentimental time for so many. The glow of the lights, sounds of bells and carols, displays of reds and greens, smell of fresh baked goodies, and sights of families coming together bring back special memories. Personally, it has become evident that the years are flying by and each year the importance of holidays and being with loved ones and cherishing the moment becomes even more dear, one way in which this family cherishes and continues to share memories of years past and present is by decorating the tree with memorial ornaments.

Memorial Ornaments

For us, such ornaments are not always fancy and many include pictures. Most of them are school and church ornaments that are saved with such care one would think they were glass. Sometimes, the tree is decked out in Christmas cards from years past, including letters and at other times it becomes the cartoon tree with Simpson, Garfield, Peanuts, and SpongeBob characters, mixed with a variety of family photos from vacations, gatherings, holidays, and special moments. No matter what memory brings joy to you this season, here are a few suggestions for a memorial tree.

Memorial Ornaments:

  • Christmas Cards: Use a single hole punch, punch a hole in the top corner of the fold of the card, place a ribbon throw the hole and tie onto the tree.
  • Family Photos: Use photo sites or create photo ornaments at home annually. Make one for each season with multiple photos and decorate the tree with past and present pictures, be sure to add a recent ornament each year and be utterly amazed at how much everyone has grown and where they have been.
  • Children's Tree: This is great for families with multiple children or older ones, decorate the tree with nothing but handmade ornaments by parents and kids. Each year, have the kids make a new ornament to place on the tree, perhaps a painted ball or even a handwritten note card with a ribbon through it. This goes great with family photos or cards as well. Don't forget to add candy-canes, they make the display even more fun.
  • Cartoon Tree: It sounds silly, but most folks have favorite cartoons or shows from younger years, plus kids love putting something they like to watch or read on the tree. So, pullout those silly ornaments, buy some new ones for the kids and get multi-colored candy canes to add to the colorful and fun display of favorite cartoons.
  • Christmas Movie Tree: Most folks have a favorite song, story, or movie of the holiday season. Use it as a way to create a theme and even a memory tree. Since this family loves almost all Christmas movies (good family ones), A Christmas Story, Home Alone, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Polar Express, and many others often show up on the branches. These movies bring back those nights of lying on the sofa, snuggled with the kids when they were so young, dancing to the songs, and eating holiday treats while enjoying a good story.
  • Armed Services: As a military spouse for 8 1/2 years, a patriotic tree (and one that goes up at Halloween) is a no brainer. Use photos from deployments, home comings, vacations, different stations, and small American flags to decorate the tree. Instead of garland or tinsel, use a red, white, and blue ribbon. Just a great way to remember the journey the family has been on while serving the country and how thankful and bless every moment is when able to be together.
Enjoy making memories, remembering those happy ones, and decorating with all of them. Merry Christmas!!!

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